Overview –

Design Brouelette is an interior design firm focused on servicing the needs of homeowners and small businesses. We were founded on a passion for interior spaces driven by a unique combination of corporate and creative experiences.

Our mission:
To have fun creating unique designs that reflect our clients’ individual lifestyles while enhancing the value of their space.

Vis-u-al-ize: to form a mental picture of.
At Design Brouelette, our goal is to help you tap into your vision of a beautiful and functional environment. Our knowledge and experience enables us to extend the possibilities for each of our clients. And we deliver on those possibilities through original design that reflects a clear comprehension of your individual needs.

Op-ti-mize: to work toward the most favorable outcome.
By using a defined process and clear communications, Design Brouelette ensures that you understand your project costs and schedules. We will work closely with contractors and vendors to keep the your project on track. Everything will be done to ensure that you receive an undeniable value that justifies the investment you have made.

Our core values:
Committed to understanding our clients’ individual needs
Committed to delivering the highest value
Committed to building relationships founded on mutual respect
Committed to operating with unquestionable integrity

Har-mo-nize: to blend tastefully.
You don’t have to compromise. Design Brouelette can create space that works for you – maximizing both functionality and comfort. Like a beautiful piece of music, we want your experience with us to be enjoyable, comforting and inspiring.

Design Brouelette. Visualize. Optimize. Harmonize.

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